Traditional Thai Massage
To create an herbal ball, we take fresh ginger, eucalyptus leaf, turmeric, kaffir lime skin, lemon skin, lemon glass, himalayan salt, camphor and borneo campho. The herbs in the compress possess anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, and antioxidant properties, which can accompany any massage session  (except foot massage).

60 mins/$20, 90 mins/$30, 120 mins $40
CBD oil has many therapeutic benefits, including discomfort relief. The CBD products at our spa are USDA certified organic and combined with sweet almond and jojoba oils to pamper your skin while you relax from stress or anxiety. Unscented for those who prefer less fragrance, these soothing treatments will leave you feeling rejuvenated both physically and mentally after an otherwise stressful day!

The warm stone massage uses smooth and heated lava stones to stimulate your body's natural healing ability. The smooth surface of the warm stone provides a luxurious touch that helps relax the deep muscles, reducing stress and pain while also increasing circulation.

60 mins/$15, 90 mins/$20, 120 mins $25
Coconut oil is one of the most natural remedies for skincare. It contains many beneficial nutrients that can nourish and strengthen your skin, keeping it young and healthy! Coconut oils are rich in capric acid, which has antimicrobial properties to prevent microbes from infecting the surface layers of your skin, while lauric acid helps improve moisture levels by increasing hydration. Finally, the vitamin E in Coconut oil keeps oily or dry patches at bay with its rejuvenating effects on superficial tissues - giving you a youthful glow all year long!

A balm is a wonderful topical solution that provides comfort for minor and severe headaches, neck pain, arthritis, shoulder pain, or stiffness in other parts. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties making it effective at alleviating body aches and body tension. The soothing and cooling effect on injuries also helps you find temporary relief when experiencing these painful conditions mentioned before this passage!

Doterra The professional’s Choice Awards recognizes the best in spa products.
Essential oils are inhaled or applied to the skin for a relaxing experience, therapeutic benefits, and to provide a calming feeling. These oils are extracted from plants or tree bark and contain anti-inflammatory properties. They are also used to aid with sleep disorders and stress management, helping you unwind at the end of your busy day! They are the perfect addition to any massage treatment.

- Management of bacteria-induced  diarrhea and cholera
- Good for digestionÂ
- Reduces cholesterolÂ
- Help in diabetes managementÂ
- Prevent skin infectionsÂ
- Act as a blood purifierÂ
- Help in scurvyÂ
- May reduce cancer riskÂ
- Immunity boosterÂ
- Stimulate milk production in     Â
 nursing motherÂ
Good for pre and post massage.
